DUCON Concrete
Beyond Imagination

20 years | 400 projects

Startseite slider polizeistation bronx new york 01

Police station Bronx, New York | by star architect Bjarke Ingels (BIG), Architectural concrete panels 50mm thin and up to 9,4m long (opening July 2024)

Startseite slider jfk new york 01

JFK Airport, New York | 4,000 m2 ceiling panels as load-bearing ceiling + explosion protection, PANYNJ

Homepage Slider BKA Berlin 01

Federal Chancellery Berlin | 2,000 m2 DUCON panels as large-format architectural and safety concrete

Startseite slider vw wolfsburg 01

Automotive industry | 42,000 m2 of impervious overlays + ceiling reinforcement, DUCON as a load-bearing production area for electric cars

Micro-reinforced and self-compacting high-performance concrete

DUCON stands for DUctile CONcrete and represents a micro-reinforced high-performance concrete, which is composed by a 3-dimensional micro-reinforcement and an ultra-high performance concrete. The special material set-up allows very slim construction at high load bearing capacity and high resistance against dynamic loading, such as explosion and earthquake.

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Trenner pfeil

DUCON House - Exemplary Applications


Range of Applications

DUCON-Technology opens a wide range of applications. It reaches from protection systems against direct fire, forced entry and explosion to industrial flooring and impervious overlays to large scale architectural concrete elements such as folded plate staircases, filigree furniture and facades. The range of applications is divided into the segments DUCONSecurity, DUCON Overlay and DUCON Architectural & Design.

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Reference projects

Based on DUCON-Technology many exciting and extraordinary projects beyond the performance of conventional reinforced concrete can come to reality – regarding the fields of Security, Overlay, Architecture & Design. In many times the exceptional material properties were the key to success of a project.

About us

DUCON GmbH is the developer and owner of DUCON Technology and the international patents and trademark rights. The technology is marketed and executed by DUCON Europe in cooperation with international partners.

More about our company

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