Product Segments
DUCON Security

Concrete with flexibility and stability

Regarding blast mitigation DUCON Security offers various solutions of hardening vulnerable buildings and critical infrastructures. As thin protective elements with various design options DUCON can be integrated into the overall architectural concept. Protection against blast attacks can be already achieved by a 4cm layer of DUCON, embedded as a safety net into the concrete structure. Various protective measures have been executed successfully, especially in existing structures.

Also the german Fraunhofer Institute is convinced by the protection of our high performance concrete:
Link to Fraunhofer Institute


White DUCON Planter bench, 1WTC

DUCON Security


Earthquake protection

Earthquake protection

DUCON Security

High explosion protection

Explosion protection

DUCON Security

Breakthrough-test with oxygen lance

Bullet- and forced entry-resistance

DUCON Security

Spall plates = integrated safety net

Fragmentation protection

DUCON Security

The bullet and impact protection of buildings can be increased significantly.
This ultimate performance has been shown in TV shows like Discovery Channel, Show of Natural Wonders and RTL News.

Are you interested in DUCON-Technology?

Feel free to contact us in order to discuss potential applications and advantages of DUCONfor your project.

T +49 6151 30724-0