Ultimate Performance for our clients
Since our business formation in 2004 more than 300 projects have been executed in the different fields of applications like Security, Overlay, Design and Architectural. The applications reached from thin counter tops, architectural concrete over industrial flooring, strengthening of load bearing structures up to Anti-Terror-Concrete.
Exemplary reference clients:
- Audi
- German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Alpine
- Axel Springer Verlag
- Bloom
- German Army
- Calyxo Solar
- Curlum Textile factory
- Club P1 München
- Dorstener Drahtwerke
- Daimler AG
- DOD Washington
- Dow Chemical
- Deutsche Bahn
- E.ON Power
- ENBW Nuclear
- Europäische Central Bank (ECB)
- Flachglas
- Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
- Hochtief AG
- Hochschule Gestaltung Darmstadt
- James Carpenter Design
- Mannheim Business School, University of Mannheim
- MAN Roland
- Maxit
- Mercedes Benz
- OMV Wien
- Pergamon Museum
- Port Authority NYC
- Post Wien
- PreussenElektra Nuclear
- Land NRW
- Raaba Graz
- RWE Power
- Sevens Düsseldorf
- Vattenfall Nuclear
Are you interested in DUCON-Technology?
Feel free to contact us in order to discuss potential applications and advantages of DUCON for your project.
T +49 6151 30724-0